Interested in ordering a yearbook this school year? Click here to see more information and use this link to order (school code: 26415)
Order by April 12, 2025!
Northwest Elementary
Interested in ordering a yearbook this school year? Click here to see more information and use this link to order (school code: 26415)
Order by April 12, 2025!
The Jenks Public Schools’ Board of Education voted to approve changes to elementary and intermediate attendance zones effective for the 2025-26 school year and beyond.
If you live within one of the affected areas, you received notification earlier this school year. If you are unsure whether your student is affected by these attendance zone changes, you can visit this page and enter your address to see what school site your student(s) will attend for the 2025-26 school year.
These changes do not go into effect until the 2025-26 school year. All students will finish the 2024-25 school year at their current site.
Pre-K and Kindergarten enrollment opened on February 10th for New pre-k and kindergarten students starting at Jenks in the 2025-26 school year.
If you or anyone you know needs to enroll a student, please visit
Enrollment can be completed online. Thank you for helping us spread the word!
Please call a NWE office if you have any questions.
918-299-4415 ext. 1708 or ext. 1709
Volunteers are needed for the Spring Book Fair, Feb. 24th-March 5th. Use this link to sign up to help!
We love having volunteers in the cafeteria during lunch time. Use this link to sign up for a day!
February 28: Change on School Calendar, Regular School Day! (No Distance Learning/Collab.)
February 24-March 5th: Book Fair
March 4 and 10: Student Led Conferences-Teachers will schedule an appointment with each family.
March 13 & 14: No School
March 17-21: Spring Break (No School)